From Espuña we support the Employment for All Program of the Adecco Foundation because:

Women's participation in the labor market (54.5%) is still lower than that of men (63.6%)

The female unemployment rate is 3 percentage points higher than the male rate (13.3% vs. 10.3%)

Long-term unemployment affects more women than men, especially those over 55 years old, 59% of them have been unemployed for more than a year

Women represent less than half of the employed people in Spain (46%), but they continue to occupy almost exclusively the reduced working day for family care

Single-parent households face higher risk of exclusion and poverty (44.2%) than other households (20.4%), the vast majority of single-parent households in Spain are headed by women

We want to put an end to this situation on International Women's Day and every day of the year.

Fundación Adecco